
Holy Discontent

I’ve mostly thought of discontentment as being a negative thing. Contentment seems to be the more positively acclaimed option. My perspective of this has been challenged. I’ve recently been finding myself discontent and I think it’s a good thing! I could list several areas of discontentment that I’ve come to view as positive, but the…

Wait And Find

Words fail Can’t grasp Spirit cries Mind’s task All the things I feel I should do Will never suffice Apart from waiting on you Mind’s eye Now blurred Nothing clear Not a word Here I sit Eyes wide shut I want to perform I want to, but… Nothing confirmed Nothing for sure Everything open Everything…


I’ve been thinking a lot about journey lately. It’s a word that has characterized my life for the past 7+ years. I’ve journeyed to 40ish countries with a few hundred different people. An, obviously, physical journey that was additionally spiritual emotional and relational – lots of ups and downs! I’m currently out of country once…

Pain: Catalyst or Paralytic?

I was sitting across the table from a couple the other day. I was meeting them for the first time and we discovered we had eerily similar stories. Raised in rules and religion, but then journeying away from that to discover a God who wants relationship, not dictatorship. They were asking how I ended up…

Marry Me, Pt. 3: The Honeymoon

Did you know, in the old Jewish tradition of marriage, the man would take an entire year off after his wedding? For a whole year, he wouldn’t go to work or war, he would stay home to be with his bride. (Dt. 24:5) This is purposeful. In that culture, the bride and groom wouldn’t know…

Marry Me, Pt. 2: The Ceremony

I am, again this week, pulling from this podcast from Bema Discipleship to share my story. In my last blog I shared God’s invitation into partnership and how it is a picture of marital engagement. (You can read that here.) The engagement period is about saying “No” to other lovers, other partners. How fitting that…

Marry Me, Pt. 1: The Proposal

This one is a story that feels so scattered that I’m not quite sure how to tell it, but I’m going to give it my best shot. It’s always been a little strange and uncomfy for me when I’d hear people talk about God as a husband. I’d listen with kindness and support for their…

Consecrate Yourself

One of the things God has said to me a few times is “Consecrate Yourself. I’m cleaning you out to make room for something new.” To consecrate something is to set it apart or prepare it for a particular purpose or function. I knew this meant there were some things that needed to go. Not…

Sent Again

I think life happens in cycles. As plans to take this trip began forming, I was reminded that, often, my life has signficantly changed in the month of August. As I thought about it more, I realized that seven years earlier, to the month, my life took a significant shift. A sudden end became a…


As I continued to play around with my idea of road tripping, I had some doubts. I had friends doing similar things and wondered if I was just copying them. I had other friends confess that they’d wondered if, in all my movement, I was running away from something. There were times  I wrestled with…


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